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Static Dispatch vs. Dynamic Dispatch

Published on Jan 19 2023

Last updated on Apr 23 2024

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In this blog post, we will be discussing the differences between static dispatch and dynamic dispatch in programming. Understanding the concept of dispatch is essential for developers to write efficient and maintainable code. We will go over the features, pros, and cons of each approach, as well as when to use which method.

What is static dispatch?

Static dispatch is a mechanism used in programming languages to determine which method or function to call at compile-time, rather than at runtime. It is also known as "compile-time polymorphism" or "early binding."

In a language with static dispatch, the decision of which method or function to call is made at the time the code is compiled, based on the type of the object or variable passed as an argument. The method or function to be called is determined by the compiler, and the appropriate code is generated for that specific type. This means that the decision of which method or function to call is made before the program is executed.

It's like a mailman, he knows the address before delivering the mail, he doesn't have to check the address while delivering it.

This approach has some advantages over the dynamic dispatch, such as better performance due to the fact that the decision of which method or function to call is made at compile-time, this allows the compiler to optimize the code and generate more efficient machine code. Also, it allows for better type checking, as the compiler can ensure that the correct types are passed as arguments to the methods and functions.

However, it also has some limitations, such as the lack of flexibility and the fact that it's not suitable for situations where the type of an object is not known at compile-time.

In general, Static Dispatch is used in languages with static type systems such as C++ or Java, while Dynamic Dispatch is used in languages with dynamic type systems such as Python and JavaScript.

So, If you are a fan of early binding, you may prefer static dispatch, but if you like to keep your options open, dynamic dispatch is probably more your style!

What is dynamic dispatch?

Dynamic dispatch is a mechanism used in programming languages to determine which method or function to call at runtime, rather than at compile-time. It is also known as "runtime polymorphism" or "late binding."

In a language with dynamic dispatch, the decision of which method or function to call is made at the time the program is executed, based on the type of the object or variable passed as an argument. The method or function to be called is determined at runtime, based on the actual type of the object or variable.

It's like a waiter, he doesn't know the order before taking it, he has to check it while taking it.

This approach has some advantages over the static dispatch, such as flexibility and the fact that it's suitable for situations where the type of an object is not known at compile-time. It allows for more generic code, where the same function can work with different types of objects.

However, it also has some limitations, such as the lack of performance due to the fact that the decision of which method or function to call is made at runtime, also it could make the code harder to understand and debug.

In general, Dynamic Dispatch is used in languages with dynamic type systems such as Python and JavaScript, while Static Dispatch is used in languages with static type systems such as C++ or Java.

So, if you like to keep your options open, dynamic dispatch is probably more your style, but if you're looking for a little more certainty in your life, you might prefer static dispatch.

Static vs. Dynamic Dispatch

Dynamic dispatch and static dispatch are two different mechanisms used in programming languages to determine which method or function to call.

Dynamic dispatch, also known as runtime polymorphism or late binding, is a mechanism where the decision of which method or function to call is made at runtime, based on the actual type of the object or variable passed as an argument.

Pros of dynamic dispatch:
  • Flexibility: Allows for more generic code, where the same function can work with different types of objects

  • Suitable for situations where the type of an object is not known at compile-time

Cons of dynamic dispatch:
  • Performance: The decision of which method or function to call is made at runtime, which can cause a performance hit

  • Harder to understand and debug.

Static dispatch, also known as compile-time polymorphism or early binding, is a mechanism where the decision of which method or function to call is made at compile-time, based on the type of the object or variable passed as an argument.

Pros of static dispatch:
  • Performance: The decision of which method or function to call is made at compile-time, which allows the compiler to optimize the code and generate more efficient machine code

  • better type checking, as the compiler can ensure that the correct types are passed as arguments to the methods and functions

Cons of static dispatch:
  • Lack of flexibility, not suitable for situations where the type of an object is not known at compile-time

In general, Static Dispatch is used in languages with static type systems such as C++ or Java, while Dynamic Dispatch is used in languages with dynamic type systems such as Python and JavaScript. However, it depends on the use-case and the requirements of the project to choose which approach is more suitable for the problem at hand.

Feature Static Dispatch Dynamic Dispatch
Performance The decision of which method or function to call is made at compile-time, based on the type of the object or variable passed as an argument. The decision of which method or function to call is made at runtime, based on the actual type of the object or variable passed as an argument.
Flexibility Better performance due to the fact that the decision of which method or function to call is made at compile-time, this allows the compiler to optimize the code and generate more efficient machine code Allows for more generic code, where the same function can work with different types of objects, suitable for situations where the type of an object is not known at compile-time
Type checking Better type checking, as the compiler can ensure that the correct types are passed as arguments to the methods and functions The decision of which method or function to call is made at runtime, which can cause a performance hit and make the code harder to understand and debug.
Suitable for Suitable for languages with static type systems such as C++ or Java. Suitable for languages with dynamic type systems such as Python and JavaScript.
Understandability Not as hard Harder
Debugging Not as hard Harder


In summary, static dispatch is mainly used in languages with static type systems, providing better performance and type checking, but less flexibility. While dynamic dispatch is mainly used in languages with dynamic type systems, providing more flexibility, but less performance and harder to understand and debug. The choice of which approach to use depends on the specific requirements of the project.

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Written by Alissa Nguyen

Alissa Nguyen is a software engineer with main focus is on building better software with latest technologies and frameworks such as Remix, React, and TailwindCSS. She is currently working on some side projects, exploring her hobbies, and living with her two kitties.

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